Session Duration: 40 minutes

Webinar synopsis

AI, Data Governance and Compliance, and Security are all top of mind at the moment as we hear about changes to how we work and examples of mishandling customer data.  All of these have the potential to slow down or halt the adoption of new technology.

Rather than potentially limit the growth and long-term potential of an organisation, we recommend building and improving your technology usage with what is available right now for the best security. On top of this we need to build these solutions in a manner that lends itself to being adjusted and layered with new technologies such as AI.

We will be sharing some insight into how ASI Solutions is aiming to support with additional details around Microsoft Power Platform and Security Tools that can help the business.


  • Introduction to the power of Power Platform
  • Security Protection Vectors
  • Value of Clean Data

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Speaker 1

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Zach Amos
ASI Security Specialist

Zach has been in the IT industry for over 12 years and a Security Specialist with ASI Solutions for 2 years. During that time, he has developed an impressive skill set in understanding and deploying complex security solutions into a number of customers across a variety of industries.

John-Mark Edmonds
Productivity Specialist

John-Mark Edmonds has 8 years experience helping organizations and individuals increase their productivity through modern work solutions. As a Productivity Trainer at ASI Solutions, he supports customers though their adoption and change management, providing productivity-based training on a wide variety of solutions. He is passionate about achieving that "aha" moment in all training engagments he hosts.


Zach Amos

ASI Security Specialist

Frank Mulcahy

Data Practice Manager

John-Mark Edmonds

Productivity Specialist



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